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Young's Story

The story of Young is the story of an all-Italian passion that since 1949 has combined research and development for the salon professional with the aspiration for beauty that is increasingly kind to the environment .

Young is produced with the utmost care throughout the product development cycle. The main aspiration for our research is to combine beauty with care for people and the environment.

For Young, the contemporary woman must have the correct and complete answers to her needs: health, refined beauty, green style.

“Beauty will save the world

F. Dostoevsky

Young supports the Environment

The company is committed to creating hair beauty products that fully respect the environment. <br>

  • For about 10 years we have abolished the use of water in plastic bottles in our offices, making a microfiltered water dispenser available to employees and the use of water bottles.
  • The entire production area, whose lighting accounts for 66% of the company ‘s total lighting, is lighted with LED lighting.
  • We use 100% recycled paper and voluntarily send the stretch film to recycling. We return the pack cartons we receive to our suppliers and recycle or reuse all the carton.
  • We give preference to nearby suppliers to promote zero km and reduce CO2 emissions for transport.
  • We support associations that care about the environment and animal protection.
  • We have started an experimental company vegetable garden project.
  • For each package we specify the material to invite the customer to recycle the product based on its type (plastic, aluminum, etc. ).
  • All products are made and processed in Italy and the ingredients indicated on the front are also grown in our territory.


The Research and Development Laboratory creates Young products with high standards;

  • Active ingredients of plant origin;
  • Sustainable perfumes;
  • Delicate formulas to respect the skin and hair;

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